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Zen Living, True Living

大峰禅师受邀到巴生龙华寺开示“禅生活 尝生活”系列 - 禅和生活的结合。禅师现场指导腹部呼吸的方法。

Zen Master Dae Bong was invited by Leong Hua See Temple in Klang to deliver a dharma talk about the Zen Living, True Living and how to incorporate zen teachings in everyday life. Zen Master also gave instructions to the participant on the correct breathing technique using our abdomen.

Zen Master Dae Bong was invited by Leong Hua See Temple in Klang to deliver a dharma talk about the Zen Living, True Living and how to incorporate zen teachings in everyday life. Zen Master also gave instructions to the participant on the correct breathing technique using our abdomen.

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